Outgoing passengers cannot transport any plant or plant products without a phytosanitary certificate issued by the plant Disease Control Authority.
If any plant or plant product is not prohibited in the country of destination, on the application of the outgoing passenger, the Plant Disease Control Officer may inspect the plant or plant product carried with the passenger or transported through baggage and if necessary, purified and issue a Phytosanitary Certificate.

Plants on plant products transported by passengers or in luggage, along with beneficial bacteria or packing related documents, must be declared to the plant Disease Control Officer on duty at the plant disease control desk located at the passenger arrival terminal. The Plant Disease Control officer will inspect and test the products and take action to release, destroy, treat or dispose of them. If the plant and vegetable products carried by the passenger for his/her own use are free of contamination during inspection and testing, and the quality of goods carried is also subject to customs authority, they may be exempted on receipt of the prescribed contamination-free receipt (which is deposited in the government treasury through TR challan). If a passenger wishes to bring any type of plant on plant product from abroad, they must obtain an Import Permit (IP) from the Director, Plant Disease Control Wing, Directorate of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Farmgate, Dhaka by submitting the prescribed fee along with, the necessary documents and Phytosanitary certificate issued by the plat disease control authority of the country from which they are returning. Otherwise, no such goods will allowed to enter the country.