Instructions for carrying cigarettes
A person can carry a maximum of 1 carton or 200 cigarettes for personal use. Any quantity of cigarettes or vape or liquid nicotine in excess of 1 carton or 200 sticks will be confiscated / impounded by the customs authorities.

Instructions for carrying alcoholic beverages
A Bangladeshi passport holder cannot carry alcoholic beverages. All kinds of alcoholic beverages will be seized/detained by Customs. However, a foreign passport holder can bring up to 1 liter of alcohol or alcoholic beverages such as spirits, beer etc. duty free.

Instructions for carrying mobiles
A person can carry maximum of 2 mobile sets duty free. However, 6 more mobile sets are exempt subject to payment of a certain amount of duty. Clearance of more than 8 mobile sets requires BTRC permission. Failure to show BTRC No Objection latter NOC will result in confiscation or impoundment of all mobile sets beyond 8 sets.

Instructions regarding excess goods carrying by passengers
Deductible subject to payment of duty/tax if not considered commercial. However, any goods brought for commercial purposes will be confiscated by the customs authorities.

Instructions on Carrying Firearms
Carrying of all types of firearms by passengers is strictly prohibited. However, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Commerce, a passenger can carry an airgun / air rifle with a duty / tax of Tk 5000.

DOS and don’ts for carrying laptop/computer
A passenger can bring an old / new laptop with him.

Instructions for bringing and receiving foreign currency
Incoming passengers can bring any amount of foreign currency with them. However, if it is more than 10000 dollars, the fmj form must be filled and declared. Foreign currency should be endorsed in passports for outbound passengers.

Taxable Item & Instructions
Plasma, LCD, TFT, & Television of similar technology
* 30"- 36" TK. 10,000/-
* 37"- 42" TK. 20,000/-
* 43"- 46" TK. 30,000/-
* 47"- 52" TK. 50,000/-
* 53"- 65" TK. 70,000/-
* 66" and above TK. 90,000/-
More than 04 (four) Speaker but not higher than 08 (eight) Speakes (Music Center)/Home Theatre with minitaition of Speakers (CD/VCD/DVD/LD/MD Set)
*Per Set TK. 8,000/-
Refrigerator/Deep Freezer
*Per Set TK. 5,000/-
Air Cooler/Air Conditioner
*Window type TK. 7,000/-
*Split type up to 18000 BTU TK. 15,000/-
*Split type above 18000 BTU TK. 20,000/-
Dish Antena
*Per Set TK. 7,000/-
Gold bar or Bullion (Maximum 200gm)
*Per 11.664gm TK. 3000/-
Silver bar or Bullion (Maximum 200gm)
*Per 11.664gm TK. 6/-
HD Cam, DV Cam, BETA Cam & Professional as used as a Camera
*Per Set TK. 15000/-
Air Gun/Air rifle(importable with permission of Ministry of Commerce, See import & Export Policy, (2012-2015)
*Per Item TK. 5000/-
*Per Point TK. 300/-

Duty Free Item & Instruction
* Cassette player / two in one
* Discman / Walkman (Audio)
* Portable audio CD player
* 01(ONE) Desktop / Laptop computer (with printer and UPS)
* Computer scanner, computer printer, fax machine
* Video Camera (HD Cam, DV Cam, Beta Cam and Professional Camera)
* Still Camera / Digital Camera, General / Push Button / Cordless Telephone
* Conventional / Electric Oven / Microwave Oven
* Rice Cooker / Pressure Cooker, Toaster
* Sandwich Maker / Electronic Blender / Food Processor / Juicer / Coffee Maker
* Conventional and electric typewriters
* Household Sewing Machine (Manual / Electric)
* Table / Pedestal Fan / Ceiling Fan
* Sports equipment (for personal use only)
* 100 grams of gold and 200 grams of silver ornaments (not exceeding 12 pieces of each item)
* One cartoon cigarette (200 sticks)
* VCD / DVD / LD / MD blue redisc player
* LCD computer monitor (with or without TV function) up to 9".
* Two mobile / cellular phone set
* Gas oven (with burner)
* A carpet with a maximum area of 15 square meters